Friday, September 3, 2010


Welcome to Beth Ruekberg's Contemporary World Issues Class.

What are the roots of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict or the crisis in Darfur? What roles do sanctions play in solving conflicts? What are the consequences of the Gulf oil spill? Why do some humanitarian crises receive more international attention than others? Why don't we hear more about the oil crisis in the Niger Delta? These are among the questions that we will explore in this course. There are on-going issues that we will examine. At the same time, we will draw content from the daily national and international headlines. Through the use of simulations, daily readings, personal accounts, and individual and group presentations, we will analyze a wide range of social, economic, and political issues in our world today.

Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions:

• How do problems escalate into crises?

• Are there factors that crises have in common?

• What tools and methods can be used to help resolve conflicts and crises? What influences their effectiveness?

• What factors influence the sides that people take in conflicts and crises?

• Why do some issues receive more international attention and assistance than others?

• Can individuals help solve global problems?

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